the future is bright

Living Better for Longer

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” – Socrates

We All Have Our Own Countdown

That progress bar at the top of the website is my lifespan. I have set it to 88 years because to plan you need to have a deadline. Ideally, I will end my life when I choose and not due to my own biology.

Now this may seem depressing and pessimistic but in reality it is hopeful. I hope to live forever as shown by the progress bar going out to infinity. The bar really is just to add some perspective and to not take for granted what you are given.

What I find depressing is the number of people I have met that do not feel a hundred years is too short. I get it life is hard, monotonous, and it can be diffcult to figure out what your purpose is. I can not answer that question for you, but I can help you wonder why you ever thought 60 years was good enough.

I hope to inspire more people to

Living Better

If you don’t enjoy life then why would you want to live longer. The first step to creating a life you don’t want to give up is to make sure you feel your best always. Allowing yourself to be excited now and in the future. Fitness and diet are going to be what makes this a possibility then you can think about what it is that gives your life purpose.

The slides show what I think are the most important routines and habits to form to start improving your healthspan.

Life is multidimensional in what constitutes a good life and there are plenty of aspects of life someone can improve to start living better, but if you are not living at your

